Beneath The Palms Midwifery
About Beneath The Palms Midwifery
Beneath The Palms Midwifery (BTPM) was created to feel welcoming and calm, providing care that solely revolves around the woman, her family and baby. I offer midwifery care throughout pregnancy up to 7 weeks postpartum, nourishing self-trust and supporting women through their journey into motherhood. Beneath The Palms Midwifery offers evidence-based care and education based on each woman’s unique circumstances and choices. Through individualised care and informed decision making, we work towards achieving your desired journey for you and your baby. My postgraduate qualification and midwifery degree enables me to prescribe medications, write referrals for ultrasounds, blood tests and conduct all the elements of pregnancy and postpartum care. Midwifery services are available to all women, despite "risk" classification, with collaborative care options available when needed.
Why choose a private midwife for your care?
Midwife-led continuity of care models are based on promoting the normalcy of pregnancy and childbirth. This model of care means that "the midwife is the lead health-care professional, responsible for the planning, organisation and delivery of care given to a woman from the initial booking of antenatal visits through to care during the postnatal period" (ICM, 2017). A midwife is able to provide all antenatal, labour, birth and postnatal care, in addition consulting and referring with doctors and other healthcare providers when required. Midwives have such a diverse and unique role; from educating about pregnancy, labour and parenthood to providing clinical care and supporting women during pregnancy, birth and into motherhood.
Benefits of private midwifery care
- Care in a non-clinical environment or within the comfort of your own home - Continuity of care throughout pregnancy and up to 7 weeks postpartum. Research has shown that continuity of care is associated with improved outcomes for women and babies - 100% Individualised care, appointment scheduling and length of appointments. Allowing plenty of time for education, support and care for you and your baby - In a "low risk" pregnancy a midwife can be your primary care giver through your whole pregnancy and up to 6 weeks postpartum